
“Revealing the Strength of God in You” is the call and assignment of Bishop Joseph Ford.
He is committed to fulfilling the mandate through the aid of reaching beyond the boundaries of the traditional church setting, breaking barriers through a host of local, national, and international outreaches, which as a result, brings forth repentance, responsibility and accountability to the hearers. God has anointed him to preach the Gospel to the ends of Salvation, Faith, Restoration, and Financial liberation within the body of Christ.
Bishop Ford is the Founder of AJ Ford Ministries and Senior Pastor of Higher Grounds International Worship Center in Plaquemine, Louisiana. The ministry of Bishop Ford is shared and supported by his wife, Evangelist, author, praise and worship exhorter, and Assistant Pastor Lady Shevelle Ford. They are the parents of two children, Trinity and Joseph Jr. Bishop Ford is a native of Jackson, Louisiana. Bishop Ford studied at Southern University at Baton Rouge and is a graduate of Ever-Increasing Word Training Center in Darrow, LA. Bishop Ford is pursuing his Bachelor of Theological Studies at Liberty University in Lynchburg, VA. He’s also a veteran of the United States Army Reserve.
Bishop Ford is the Founder of Pastors Nationally United Evangelical Ministerial Association (P.N.U.E.M.A.). An organization that is designed and destined to enhance the call of leaders throughout the Body Of Christ. P.N.U.E.M.A. has been charged with helping birth and nurture younger ministries as they embark upon the path, offering help as needed to ensure that they are equipped for the journey. P.N.U.E.M.A. is a fellowship of all ministries thriving in the Spirit of Excellence, under the dynamics of, “Iron Sharpening Iron”.
Bishop Ford and his wife are successful entrepreneurs. Their mindset of tending to “Kingdom Business”, FIRST, has been accredited to their success.
Through AJ Ford Ministries, Bishop and Lady Ford host workshops across the country, indiscriminately demonstrating the love of Christ to all people. Preaching with purpose, power, and passion, Bishop Ford expounds upon the Word of God.

Evangelist Shevelle Ford is an aspiring author and co-founder of Higher Grounds
Internation Worship Center, where she servers as CEA(Cheif Executive Administrator) and Assistant Pastor. She is married to Bishop Joseph “AJ” Ford, founder and Senior-Pastor of Higher Grounds Internation Worship Center, and they are the proud parents of two children, Trinity and Joseph Anthony (AJ).
She is a native of Phoenix, LA. The tenth of ten children of the late Rev. Dr. Percy Murphy Griffin and Irene Williams Griffin. Shevelle is a graduate of Xavier University in New Orleans, LA; there she receieved her Doctorate Degree in Pharmacy. Her passion and desire to help the indigent and elderly propelled her to open her own pharmacy in 1998. Higher Grounds Pharmacy Ministry invent the concept of FREE HOME DELIVERY of medication. Shevelle was honorably discharged from the United States Army; ranking as a Captain.
Currently she serves as Director/Co-Owner of New Life Pesonal Care, LLC. She loves to cook and desires to open her own restaurant, if God sees fit in His perfect will for her life. She published her first book entitled, “I’m Not God; I’m Just A Woman” and has just completed the play. Shevelle is a firm believer of “Letting God be God”, with an intense love for the Word of God. Her desire is to help others enhance their relationship with God.
Her desire is to help others enhance their relationship with God, currently serving as a mid-wife to aide others that are giving birth to their kismet. Ministry is her passion, and at this juncture in her life, she has committed to preaching the Word of God full-time.